The Patriot Post® · Shrouding Joe Biden's Stumbles

By Emmy Griffin ·

President Joe Biden is old and in decline, not just mentally but physically as well. He has taken more than his fair share of tumbles during his White House tenure. He’s tripped on stairs, over sandbags, or simply when trying to bike across a street. His gait optics are that of a feeble, shuffling old man who cannot manage to walk in public without projecting age-related weakness.

Biden’s tumbles have led to many strategies by his staff to help the president be more steady on his feet. One idea his staff had was to get him involved in physical therapy. Another tactic was to have him wear black Hoka Transport stability shoes. These shoes are specifically designed for comfort. The Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Stiles humorously notes they are the top choice for “the American Podiatric Medical Association and are highly praised by senior citizens, pregnant women, and injury-prone individuals.”

The most recent strategy attempts to kill two birds with one stone. Last week, Axios reported that Biden is no longer walking solo across the White House lawn and into Marine One. Instead, he is being flanked on three sides by his aides. This flanking hides his stiff gait from the press corp. Furthermore, staff are forbidding the press from getting too close to the president’s walking path. This essentially prevents Biden from hearing their questions and from having more Gaffe Department Own Goals.

According to Axios, hiding the president behind a phalanx of aides helps him look less frail. “Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.”

Here’s one thing to consider, though: Hiding him isn’t going to work in the long run. As The Daily Wire points out, “Despite early promises of transparency, President Biden’s team has effectively sequestered him, scheduling very few interviews with friendly outlets like Howard Stern’s radio show and Ryan Seacrest’s New Year’s Eve broadcast.”

This president isn’t able to handle himself with a (mostly) Democrat-friendly press. How is he expected to hold his own as the leader of the free world? Numerous major conflicts, including a new bout of anti-Semitic college protests, have highlighted the cost of his weak leadership on the foreign policy front. A floundering economy and an open border are his legacy domestically. These, combined with his failing physical image, don’t inspire confidence.

Everyone knows that Biden’s age is showing. He’s 81 years old — i.e., in his twilight years. Continuing to allow him to pursue a second term is not only elderly abuse but embarrassing to the country. Even worse for the Democrats is that there isn’t a candidate out there with whom they can easily replace him.