The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Squabbling Republicans Blow It Again

“The GOP has proven that it’s incapable of passing meaningful budget and spending reforms. Waiting until the last minute to ram through a disgusting funding bill is not the answer. As Mr. Jackson states, Speaker Johnson has an incredibly difficult task to rein in the profligate spending of the Biden administration. However, Joe Biden continues to forgive billions in student loans without constitutional authority. This is something Mr. Johnson needs to highlight and battle to make Biden stop his giveaway. I guarantee the majority of hardworking taxpaying Americans will back him on this.” —California

Re: Moscow Terror Attack Exposes Biden’s Afghanistan Blunder

“It’s only a matter of time until a major terrorist attack happens here again. This is because some people who hate this country are pouring through the festering hole called our southern border. I fear that this attack will make 9/11 look very small, and many Americans may die because of the current administration’s open-border policy. When and if it happens, they need to be held accountable and properly dealt with because they have committed high treason against this country and the American people.” —Indiana

“Yep. The Democrat JV team naïveté never ceases to amaze. Blinken must think he can negotiate with a rabid dog and come out on top or even arrive at a stalemate. When someone shouts ‘Death to America,’ they are to be taken seriously and negotiated with with the understanding that they want you dead. Just like a rabid dog, they will give no quarter. They will attack and attack and attack. They are living among us, which scares the heck out of me. Does it scare you? It should.” —Ohio

Re: AMLO: Here Are Mexico’s Demands

“Such is to be expected, as the entire world can see the weakness of this administration of usurpers and their intent to destroy our nation from the inside. None dared to attempt such from the outside. Well, until now, that is, as even Mexico now threatens!” —California

Re: UN Rebukes Israel With Biden’s Help

“And there you have it — the Biden backstab in full view for all to see except for the most virulent anti-Semites. The Democrat Party has sold out as its base becomes more in alignment with the socialist street mob that has taken control of the party.” —California

“Just more Democrat lip service. They see very clearly the vast number of young people, academics, and American Muslims who are supportive of the Palestinians. It is long past time to seriously consider the historical Western/Middle Eastern/Asian interactions that brought us to this point. It goes way back in time. It didn’t just happen in a vacuum.” —Ohio

“It is obvious the Biden administration and Democrats are more interested in appeasing the left wing of the party and the Arab/Muslim minority in states such as Michigan. If Mr. Netanyahu is serious about eradicating Hamas, he cannot afford to wait. Israel needs to act decisively to terminate the Gaza operation. The longer he waits, the more Israel will be isolated. Indeed, the question is if the Jews in the U.S. will continue to drink the Biden administration and Democrat Party Kool-Aid. Elections have consequences!” —California

Re: New York’s Unholy War on Trump

“I don’t know whether it’s the Democrats of California or New York who have produced the worst politicians sent to Washington. Both have crippled our republic with several of the worst senators and representatives, including Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Watters, Schiff, and Nadler, all hostile to constitutional government and its provisions of individual liberty to all Americans. Even these states’ local and state officials are evil and vile in their efforts to destroy the republic.” —California

“Don’t forget the woman that the New York Dems brought in to vilify Mr. Trump, charging him with alleged sexual misconduct with her, yet she couldn’t even remember the year it happened. C'mon lady — really? Of course she won. Hatred of Mr. Trump knows no bounds in Democrat circles, so much so that they are willing to destroy the best republic, a republic always willing to fight to the death for freedom for all mankind, in order to maintain their ill-gotten political supremacy.” —Ohio

Re: In Brief: Stephanopoulos Didn’t Defame Trump

“I could be wrong, but a lot of what I heard here was that Trump was wrong because Mr. McCarthy would have done it differently. The case built on the Trump rape was shallow at best. In the Midwest, where we don’t just believe everything we hear, even if it is about someone we hate, the Carroll incident was just too unbelievable. Maybe, with all the OTHER things Trump has on his plate, he didn’t feel, even in NYC, that the jury would believe that Bergdorf would not have noticed him enter the store in the middle of the day or that their entire store was empty of salespeople or security.” —Nevada